When you think of braces, traditional metal braces probably come to mind. These braces have been the foundation of orthodontic treatment for over 50 years, helping children, teens, and adults improve their bites, transform their smiles, and enhance their overall oral health.
Traditional braces consist of several components that work together to give you fantastic results. Let's take a look at each of these unique components:
Braces are primarily used to treat malocclusion, which includes crooked or crowded teeth and misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. However, the benefits of braces go beyond achieving a straight smile. Here's why braces are worth considering:
Maintaining good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is vital to achieving optimal results. Follow these cleaning tips to keep your teeth and braces in excellent condition:
Remember, during orthodontic treatment, there are more places for food debris to cling to, so it's essential to be diligent about your oral hygiene routine. At Muench Orthodontics, we're here to support you on your smile journey.
At Muench Orthodontics, we work tirelessly to ensure the best outcome for our patients and the most pleasant experience possible. We stand behind our work and make sure every patient is completely satisfied with their new smile.